We've all been neglecting the blog, and we're very sorry! Facebook has kind of taken over as our favoured displacement activity. Here's a quick update from me:
P (the naughty one who never blogs) has just got married. The celebrations were fantastic - it even stopped raining for about 5 minutes - and I have only just recovered from my hangover.
I have been dating the world. I exaggerate not. Never one to do anything by halves, I am dating no less than 10 people. I have had to set up a spreadsheet to remind me who is who and when I am seeing each one. Had a minor crisis yesterday when I realised I had set up 2 dates for tomorrow night, but could not remember with whom, and would end up standing one of them up. Then I remembered that we are meant to be going out tomorrow night to celebrate L's birthday, so I couldn't make either date. I have sorted it out now, but am skating on v thin ice.
I am exhausted from it all. But I have many stories, which I shall share on the soon-to-be-launched new blog I am setting up with my (male) friend J on the dating scene. Sorry it is taking so long - it is completely J's fault and not mine, as we have agreed to write a little introductory blurb about each other, and he is refusing to write mine until he sees what I write about him. And I am too busy dating at the moment to write anything. However, I forgive him, as he kindly reassured me the other day when I went crying to him about my unrequited crush that I am indeed fanciable - when I am not being a mad, obsessive stalker. More about that some other time. And yes, this is the same crush from 3 months ago that I am STILL trying to get over, despite declaring at the time that I refused to waste 3 months obsessing.
Oh, and Love God has been calling and texting me 5 times a day. At least he was, until he discovered my friend M on the dating site. Now he is pursuing her.
My life is a soap opera.