D, (after having been overwhelmed by your energy...) It strikes me that what you are really interested in academically is the theory of conflict and deeply divided societies. There are some really good websites on the whole NI thing from this point of view e.g.http://cain.ulst.ac.uk/, which has a comprehensive databse of everybodykilled by The Troubles and lots of stats on Ni and its status in the world.Maybe this could be how you complete your doctorate - through the political theory route? Though I doubt the jewels will be achieved then: unless of course you meet v rich man, and then you would have got the love one too. Perfect!
Anyway, here are mine:
- To be able to cope with disaster and to be able to celebrate triumph, and not to be undermined or too distracted by either
- To become genuine non-smoker
- To fall madly, deeply, passionately, foolishly in love (and have it reciprocated).
- To raise a child/children – not necessarily by giving birth
- Watch all the films of the following directors – Egoyan, Allen, Lee, Bergman, Rohmer, Ozon, Jarmusch, Fassbinder, Almodovar. To meet as many of them as possible.
- To visit Copenhagan (bizarrely obsessed by place. Not sure going on holiday is really achievement though).
- To overcome my natural sloth and torpor and have home that is relatively pleasing place to live, not rubbish filled hovel
- to learn to change light bulbs with confidence. Can sometimes manage it but sometimes they break or snap or you can’t reach the buggers.
- To somehow train world that its is used in the following sentence: “can you see its lights twinkling” and it’s in the following sentence: “It’s a lovely day today.” Perhaps set up remedial grammar course at university.
- To have a Chair established in my name.
- Summon up courage to have laser treatment on eyes and be able to see properly again
- To own a really beautiful and madly expensive piece of art that I love
- Learn a musical instrument – maybe the guitar. If I could sing along too, that would be fab. More of a dream than anything else though as am madly unmusical person
- To lose weight. To fit into (even across bust) size 14 Karen Millen red coat I fell in love with last year but that looked awful on.
- Meet Sue Townsend and congratulate her on being towering genius.
- Learn to drive.
- To shut down the Daily Telegraph.
- To be on the Question Time panel.
- To be part of a movement that deposes monarchy and House of Lords and establishes true representative democracy in UK.
- to be less erratic at pitch and putt. To do home course in around 45 strokes!
- to knit a lovely jumper for myself
- to keep on enjoying my job, and to keep on being OK at it.
- Would love to speak Italian, and also to resuscitate my German.
- To be as happy as I can be, without being complacent or foolish
- “Devenir immortelle. Et puis, mourir.” (Godard. Sorry).
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