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- What time did you get up this morning?
5am, to go to the gym. A questionable decision, given that I stayed up till 2.30am watching local election results - and they only announced the result of my own local council at around 5, so I needn't have bothered!
- Diamonds or pearls?
Marilyn was no fool: "Diamonds are a girl's best friend". You don't need to spend a lot of money on pearls or buy the best quality to create beautiful jewellery. You can also wear fake-pearl pieces (a la Topshop's Freedom collection) and still look sassy, whereas you can never quite pull off the same concept with diamonds - they have to be real. Or, put more simply: if I believed in engagement rings and a man got down before me on bended knee, a pearl ring would simply not do it for me - I would expect a 2ct plus sparkler.
- What did you do last night?
Watched Question Time and then the local election results (all night), while frantically texting F with my own political commentary.
- What is your favourite TV show?
Am really not into TV (or films) at all. Having said that, I love Question Time and This Week (which is like a soap opera in itself, with the highly charged will they/won't they tension between Diane Abbott and Michael Portillo), and I usually pick one trashy series to watch each season, my favourite of which is Big Brother. It is NOT pure trash; it IS post-modern and ironic.
- What did you have for breakfast?
Upon rising: warm water with squeeze of lemon. Before training, a banana. During training: Lucozade Sport. After training: half a protein shake. Upon arrival at office (07.30): home-made cereal of oats, quinoa, buckwheat flakes, barley flakes, millet flakes, brown rice flakes, linseeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts and almonds; dandelion coffee
- What is your middle name(s)?
Miriam Anna. What really annoys me about having 2 middle names is that no computer system can cope with the extra middle initial. Eg, the electoral register. I hate it - either use both middle initials, or neither.
- What is your favourite cuisine?
There's no point asking me this question. Two and a half years into my health regime and religiously-kept food diary, I no longer have a sane concept of what I do like. If I were to really think about this question and answer it honestly, I would jack in the raw vegetable juices, alfalfa sprouts and aduki beans, give up the training, and as a result, end up with about 3 days a week in spare time, which I would devote to sitting in front of the TV eating cream cakes. Oh god, I am salivating at the very thought.
- What foods do you dislike?
Well these are the foods I don't eat: wheat, yeast, dairy, corn, "nightshade" veg (tomatoes, peppers, aubergine), meat, seafood
- What are your favourite Potato chips?
Used to love crisps, but have had to cut them out unfortunately. I only eat them when severely pissed (so not that infrequently, then, haha!), and then I love Walkers' red chilli flavoured crisps - YUM!
- What is your favourite CD at the moment?
Hardly ever listen to CDs anymore, although I have been listening to Kelis a lot recently, as after an entire year of accusing Male Model of borrowing my Kelis album and losing it somewhere in his squalid mess, I discovered it in a hidden pocket of my suitcase, when my suitcase was searched at random upon my return to Heathrow airport from Istanbul last month. I was elated (at finding the CD - NOT at having my suitcase searched at 1am). I am so scatty.
- What kind of car do you drive?
Have finally caved and given up driving in London. I would love to say I have become a calmer, happier person as a result, but sadly I am now at the mercy of London Underground, which has vastly elevated my blood pressure.
- Favourite sandwich?
Do not eat bread! Although S and I have always had an inexplicable fascination with Subway (dating back several years, before they opened any branches in the UK, when we discovered it in Florida), and as a special treat, we sometimes pig out. Last week, S actually wrote to their head office in the States, complaining about their recent shock decision to eliminate vinegar from their dressings options.
- What characteristics do you despise?
Laziness, preoccupation with status over substance, boastfulness, selfishness, hypochondria and over-preciousness, constant complaining with no suggestion for improvement, two-facedness
- Favourite item of clothing?
My selection of wide belts and footless tights (courtesy of Topshop, of course!); a FABULOUS, divine puffball skirt I bought last year from a boutique in Islington - it's just gorgeous fabric and beautifully cut; a v funky sleeveless top with lots of chains of varying sizes and lengths attached (Unique by Topshop - limited edition)
- If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
South Africa is still top of the list
- What colour is your bathroom?
Boring white. I have a funky toilet seat, though!
- Favourite brand of clothing?
Topshop Topshop Topshop! (Or, if I could afford it, Vivienne Westwood and Alexander McQueen.) Recently, though, my taste seems to have matured, and I am more drawn towards their Unique collection. At least there's less chance of me turning up at a club wearing the same outfit as all the underage revellers.
- Where would you retire to?
Steady on - I haven't even changed careers yet. I'm not going to think about it for at least 40 years (by which time the government will probably have raised retirement age to about 95).
- Favourite time of day?
Don't have one. Am constantly jetlagged, and don't seem to sleep any more, so I don't think my body would recognise the difference quite honestly!
- Where were you born?
Amusingly for everyone familiar with my staunch preference for locations north of the River, I was actually born in South London! I have barely been back since.
- What are your favourite colours?
Pink (guess who chose the template for this blog?) and turquoise
- Favourite sport to watch?
Football and boxing
- What fabric detergent do you use?
Persil or Fairy. I am a v predictable consumer, and always go for big brands with pretty packaging.
- Coke or Pepsi?
Neither. Absolutely no way. Evil, poisonous, additive-ridden substances. And my colonic hydrotherapist would kill me.
- What is your shoe size?
4, but used to be 5 1/2. When I was 11, my feet were a size 5. Which either means that when you lose a lot of weight, your feet get smaller as well, or I am already turning into a little old lady.
- Do you have pets?
Not unless you count Male Model's aquarium, or the evil, horrible, cunning, conniving, selfish cat belonging to one of the neighbours who always sneaks into our block, and I literally have to peer through the glass in the front door before I open it, EVERY TIME, in case the horrid cat jumps out at me. Sometimes I want a dog, but it's a little impractical as I live in a first floor flat and am only home for about 5 hours a day, and most of that time is spent sleeping. L, if you get a cat, I will never ever ever visit you in Devon. I had just about come to terms with the fact that going to Devon would mean seeing non-city and green things and cows and sheep; having to deal with a cat in your home will push me over the edge. Sorreeeee!
- Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family and friends?
No. My sordid secrets are known to all my loved ones
- What did you want to be when you were little?
When I was about 4, I announced to my mum that I was going to "own lots of shops". When asked what I would do with my children, I replied that I would give them to my mum to look after. And she wonders why she is still not a grandmother.
- Favourite fictional character?
Have never identified with fictional characters, come to think of it. Not sure if this counts, but when I was a child, I always used to fantasise about going to one of those boarding schools in Enid Blyton books (eg St Clare's; Malory Towers), and begged my parents to send me to boarding school.
- What do you hope will be different in your life, 5 years from now?
Amazingly (despite my constant gripes and rants), I am in a happy place, now that I have accepted that everything requires patience and hard work; I have pretty much all the existential things I want, and am on track to achieve the rest. I hope that I am happy with my decision to have gone through with my career change (I will be a lawyer by then), and I would like to have been elected as a local councilor (I am standing for election at the next local elections, by the way), but apart from that, the things I want are purely material: to have bought a property, dropped another dress size, be able to run faster, and have achieved my black belt in kickboxing. Being on speaking terms with my sisters would be a bonus.
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