What time did you get up this morning?
Slept in today, so about 11:15 or so. Got breakfast and sat in bed listening to amusing radio play on Radio 4 til midday when the dross that is You and Yours came on and I finally got up. Had panicky message from secretary re: our course outlines for next year, so had to go on-line instantly and still aren't dressed!
Diamonds or pearls?
Hardly wear any jewellery at all. I have two necklaces I rotate, one a present from L and the other a present from J. I also sometimes wear a mood ring I bought for two pounds at a market in Devon!
What did you do last night?
J had called round v late on Wednesday night upset after an argument about Harry Potter (!) with D, so had had much to drink and was v hungover yesterday. Thus I resisted the lure of alcohol and went for a swim and sauna and then came home and watched Question Time and texted D.
What is your favourite TV show?
Like D I am a huge fan of Question Time and This Week (of course, I once made a "brilliant point" on Question Time, don't forget!) I'm also enjoying v much The Apprentice at the moment, cannot believe so many arrogant cocksure people in the world! Generally of course Sex and the City is best TV programme ever.
What did you have for breakfast?
Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Fruit and Seed muesli, coffee.
What is your middle name(s)?
Jean, after my maternal grandmother
What is your favourite cuisine?
J and I were having this conversation the other day. If we were living on a desert island and could only have ONE type of cuisine, what would it be? J chose Thai. After much consideration, I chose French. Though I do love curries too.
What foods do you dislike?
I will eat almost anything! I don't like beetroot, more the way it turns everything a v lurid pink. Hate overcooked carrots, when they go all mushy. When I was a child I used to refuse to eat anything "soggy" - this was white bread, pastry, quiche, pizza, pasta and rice. What a child! I still can't drink milk.
What are your favourite Potato chips?
Walkers Ready Salted
What is your favourite CD at the moment?
Am actually listening to Simon and Garfunkel as I type this, but generally it is Dusty in Memphis, great CD I bought in Borders in Bristol for a mere £5.99!
What kind of car do you drive?
None. I am opposed to the way we are forced by inadequate government planning to drive, and think there should be much greater investment in public transport. I walk or cycle everywhere, apart from when it's raining, dark, I'm running madly late, or I'm pissed, in which case I get a cab. Thus I get cabs all the bloody time!
Favourite sandwich?
Don't really have one. I quite like the crayfish and rocket Pret do. I make myself ham and coleslaw at home, which is quite nice.
What characteristics do you despise?
Men who "cum and run"; arrogance; apathy; lack of awareness of the Other; bossiness; pomposity; laziness (although I have this last fault myself)
Favourite item of clothing?
My favourite outfit at the moment is my Warehouse denim skirt worn with boots and my tweed jacket. We are horribly in between seasons here at the moment and it is almost impossible to know what to wear.
If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
Have re-booked my flights for New York, so that's my next destination - I will be there for my 32nd birthday! But I would love to go to Sydney to visit my sister A and her boyfriend P. I haven't seen A for over a year now and that's too long. Plus I hear Sydney is v cool - there is an oyster and champagne bar overlooking the Harbour bridge A is tempting me with. Paris is also a lovely place to visit for a few days, and I would like to go to Rome again - feel when I went with C we only scratched the surface. Such an incredible city. Plus great ice-cream!
What colour is your bathroom?
Thanks to my landlord, a bizarre mix of colours. Grey walls, grey tiles with blue skirting, beige fittings, and a huge mirror on one wall.
Favourite brand of clothing?
Like L, I love Reiss (although I can't fit into their jackets - bust too big). Alas we don't have one in N.I. so I have to save up my Reiss urges. It's a bit pricey. Here, I tend to buy most of my stuff in M and S.
Where would you retire to?
Devon! Maybe one day L and I can be old ladies together there!
Favourite time of day?
Sociable times - the evening, in other words.
Where were you born?
Leicester, a fact of which I am v proud. Coming from the same place as Adrian Mole has to be a bonus.
What are your favourite colours?
What is eau de nil, L? feel v ignorant. I like a nice, deep rich red. To wear, I like shades of brown.
Favourite sport to watch?
I actually enjoy watching nearly all sports APART from football, cricket and rugby, all of which I dislike intensely (apart from one v good World Cup experience in 1998 when I lived in Bordeaux and the whole town partied like mad for a month). So I enjoy tennis, gymnastics, swimming, ice-skating - hell, even snooker, sometimes.
What fabric detergent do you use?
Sainsbury's Colours for general wash; Persil Delicates for Wool and Silk
Coke or Pepsi?
After having to have at least a can of Diet Coke a day for years, I finally gave it up last summer, as my Mum read that Coke is bad for your bones (the combination of phosphorous and caffeine causes you to LEACH calcium). I gave it up and now even the thought of the stuff is disgusting. If only I could work the same aversion therapy with cigarettes....
What is your shoe size?
6.5 or 7, depending on style/brand
Do you have pets?
No, I hate animals.
Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family and friends?
Not much new to report, I'm afraid. I have joined a French language club, where we get to speak in French for 2 hours every week. I love it, and had forgotten how much I enjoy chatting in French (and actually I'm not that crap at it really, in fact, I'm pretty fluent!)
What did you want to be when you were little?
I had a very involved fantasy when I was about 9 or 10 of being a naval nurse (we had been to the shipyards in Plymouth for the day), which even involved keeping a diary of this character. Disturbingly in terms of my feminist consciousness, as a naval nurse I fell in love with one of my patients that I saved - he was called Phil!!! (though I suppose at least my rescue fantasy was regendered). At one point, I wanted to be the Prime Minister.
Favourite fictional character?
All the ones I loved when I was a girl - Anne of Green Gables, Laura from Little House on the Prairie, Jo from Little Women, and Lalla and Harriet from White Boots
What do you hope will be different in your life, 5 years from now?
To be brutally honest, I want to have a partner and have children (but not be living in Taunton!!!). Chances of this happening v slim, so I will settle for more money!
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