Name: P
Age: 30. Marked the occasion with wicked party in hip London bar
View From Balcony of Flat: Sublime view of Thames, especially during sunset (once you have blocked the pretentious “work-in-banking” neighbours from your immediate line of vision). Fact: on a clear day (like when does that ever happen in London?), you can just about see P’s flat from the London Eye
Cute Quirky P-isms: Has 2 hooks on the wall from which something new and exciting is always hanging, depending on the mood du jour/political climate/theme of soirée. Favourites include funky bags and sexy lingerie. Uses shoes as ornaments, esp. on bookshelves
Major Achievement by Age 25: Became published author!
Things Only P Can Pull Off, The Attempt of Which Would Induce a Minor Breakdown in the Rest of Us: Throw gourmet 5-course dinner party with lots of yummy exotic food at the drop of a hat with gallons of champagne on tap, while cheerily floating around in impossibly glam outfit and killer heels without so much of a hint of stress or repressed feelings of hatred towards demanding guests
Style Qualities Coveted by Everyone Who Knows P (apart from fabulous underwear and shoe collections): Amazing ability to not only wear clothes for 15 years and keep them in pristine condition, but constantly be at the height of fashion
Top 3 Rants: Asian men, bad literature, cynics and rinkydinks
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