I love dating. The excitement. The uncertainty. The fury. The champagne-induced adventures of Singledom. In fact, I have so many epic dating stories (remember Randy Doctor?) that I started a spin-off dating blog. And I have dated a real mix of people. First there was Love God. Then there was more Love God (against my better judgment). Then there was Condom Man (judgment severely impaired). And finally there was the Canadian Toyboy (well-judged, but then his student visa ran out and he skipped back to Toronto). In between all of them was The French One.
So I must confess my secret disappointment (amid the intense joy and blinding happiness, of course), when I became engaged to Football-Obsessed Fiance (erm, long story; I haven't been blogging for a while, and in the meantime I have betrayed the Sisterhood with my impending nuptials). Obviously I am excited and delighted at the prospect of spending the rest of my life with Football-Obsessed Fiance, but it does mean in our case no more dating.
You can therefore only imagine my delight last week, when Best Friend, who has recently relocated to Abu Dhabi (yes, life is still a parody of a soap opera), called on me to carry out a dating mission for her. She had met someone online, and before she booked a flight to meet him for a date, she wanted me to check him out. Did he have all his teeth? A second head? A personality transplant? (Yes, no, and thankfully not.)
So could this be a new trend? Date my friend? Maybe. Or perhaps it could be the start of the new business venture that Football-Obsessed Fiance is always trying to encourage me to start up.
And dating really is a whole business...