As if I needed to prove how neurotic I am... here are a list of my phobias, taken from The Phobia Website
Agliophobia (Aglophobia) - fear of pain
Ailurophobia (Elurophobia; Felinophobia; Galeophobia; Gatophobia) – fear of cats
Atelophobia – fear of imperfection
Atychiphobia – fear of failure
Autodysomophobia – fear of one who has a vile odour (it’s a London thing; try using the tube)
Bacillophobia (Microbiophobia) – fear of microbes
Bacteriophobia – fear of bacteria
Hemaphobia (Hematophobia) – fear of blood
Ichthyophobia – fear of fish
Misophobia (Mysophobia) – fear of being contaminated with germs
Molysmophobia (Molysomophobia) – fear of dirt/contamination
Obesophobia (Pocrescophobia) – fear of gaining weight
Odynophobia (Odynephobia) – fear of pain
Rhytiphobia – fear of getting wrinkles
Seplophobia – fear of decaying matter
Soteriophobia – fear of dependence on others
Staurophobia – fear of crosses or the crucifix (not really a phobia; it just freaks me out a little – must be the guilty Jew in me)
Trypanophobia – fear of injections
Vaccinophobia – fear of vaccinationVerminophobia – fear of germs
I also have a fear of knives, but can't find the term for it.
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