On Saturday night, we were out celebrating (if that is the word) D's 30th birthday. Now at least she is vaguely in the same ball park as me. (Though was v sweet of L to suggest I am Samantha because of raucous lifestyle, also think the fact I am somewhat older than the other girls also counts).
Well imagine our shock and surprise when it was revealed to us that none other than uber trendy stand-up comedian and Kate Moss shagger Russell Brand was at the table just along from us at the restaurant where we were eating! I managed to take a bad, blurry photo of him snogging a young blonde thing (not Ms. Moss) but alas my camera on my phone is so crap Heat magazine would not be able to publish. Various other cameras were offered to me, but I did not have the necessary chutzpah to walk right up to him and snap him, as would be a bit of an invasion of privacy. My friend J has a huge crush on the Brand (she is going to have him on her post nuclear apocalypse island) and so was v jealous.
In honour of this sighting, I am now going to list all the 'famous' celebs I have seen during my London sojourn, this highlighting the vibrant and cosmopolitan nature of the capital (or the low rent nature of celebrity these days, take your pick).
1. Maggot from Celebrity Big Brother walking down Holloway Rd.
2. Jenny from Teachers (the one who got to snog Andrew Lincoln) in Brown's, Islington Green
3. Craig from Big Brother 6 on the tube, Piccadilly Line.
4. Rob Brydon (well back of his head as my friend said "that's Rob Brydon") walking down the street near the BFI (Charlotte St, I think)
5. The man with the multi coloured beard who does voice training on Fame Academy, walking down the same bit of street - it is obviously a medja mecca
6. Russell Brand in Gilgamesh snogging a young blonde girl.
This is in just two months - all I managed in 4 years in Belfast was Andrea Corr and Tim Robbins (though I guess at least Tim is 'A' list).
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