Well I have been extremely blog passive for the last few months, but I love D's round up so much, i will attempt one myself. Here goes:
Best Moment of 2007: Oh God, as committed, strong independent women of substance, should obviously say getting new job. Have to admit it might have been acquiring boyfriend though. Am failure to feminist cause, as would be no good as radical separatist.
Worst Moment of 2007: On my way to interview for aforesaid new job, the taxi driver got horribly lost, and drove me to the Northcott Theatre, rather than Northcote House. He then proceeded to careen all around the university campus in circles, while I felt horrendously car sick and increasingly panicked. I finally spotted a sign that said "pedestrian route to Northcote House" and ordered him to stop, at which point he accused me of being "a fucking bitch" who lied about my destination to avoid paying the fare! He chucked me out of the cab and drove of at high speed with the door still open, and in my rush to get out of the cab, I lost my mum's umbrella. I then had to go to an interview in tears, fifteen minutes late, hyperventilating, with mad hair, torn between a murderous desire to kill all taxi drivers and an equally strong desire to simply go to bed and wish it had all never happened.
Most Satisfying Moment in 2007: look on my former boss's face when he realised I was leaving and he was going to lose my RAE points! ha!
Least Satisfying Moment of 2007: being harangued in the street by a beggar in Bordeaux who told me I was so enormous I could be used to block the Garonne. This was because I refused to say good night to him.
Best Present of 2007: My friend S gave me a leaving present which consists of a frame still from her latest DVD, an art installation project on movement and stasis in Belfast. It is a unique print that no-one else in the world will have ever, and it is wonderful. The installation is currently being shown at a gallery in Havana, Cuba.
Best meal of 2007: has to be oysters and mussels at the cafe pineau in cap ferret. idyllic setting, great food, wonderful friends.
Worst meal of 2007: mistaking curry sauce for tomato ketchup and slurping sticky, gross curry sauce all over my bratwurst. Bratwurst smelt foul and was inedible.
Best exhibition of 2007: I think it would have to be the Surrealist exhibition at the V and A, although both Citizens and Kings at the Royal Academy and the Millais at Tate Britain come close.
Best Film of 2007: The Lives of Others. Emotionally satisfying, narratively gripping, and with a wider historical and political sense.
Number of weddings attended: 4
Number of funerals attended: 0
Number of days was paid twice: One ( a good day though).
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