Cannot cope any more. We are moving tomorrow, and the flat is in a shocking state of disarray. My side of the living room contains rows and rows of boxes, all labelled, categorised and sub-categorised (who knew I had so much stuff?!). The other side, belonging to Male Model, can only be described as a hazardous waste ground, with piles of clutter strewn around, old receipts and chocolate well past its best-before date falling out of black plastic sacks and random objets thrown carelessly into unmarked boxes. He has also deemed NOW an appropriate time to buy himself a giant plasma screen, which is sitting in the middle of the room, rendering it impossible to pack, clean up, tidy up or even move.
To make things worse, I have developed acute eczema, which has disfigured my entire body and is bleeding and very painful. I went to see a Chinese doctor today, and ended up paying £75 only for her to inform me that not only do I have eczema (yes, I KNOW, for f’s sake, why would I bother coming otherwise?), but I have acne as well, and this is apparently due to the fact that my “sex hormone” (as she put it) is unbalanced. Any untrained amateur could have figured that out, based on the information I supplied about my PCOS and f-ed up menstrual cycle. And honestly, based on the evidence that I scare all men off, it’s no bloody wonder that my “sex hormone” is out of sync.
I’m kind of wondering, though: perhaps my shockingly low oestrogen levels are linked to the fact that I repel heterosexual men?
Just a thought.
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