Hello from Jerusalem! Am on ill-advised and thus doomed and fated family holiday, which has ended in disaster and an early flight home tomorrow. My trusty BlackBerry is broken, I am so exhausted from the last year's hectic schedule of working ridiculous hours and constantly travelling abroad for business that I have been sleeping most of the time, which is just as well as it is so cold here and has been snowing. I am visiting my grandmother in her old age home, and am caught in the middle of a pointless feud between her and her best friend of 80 years; and her first words when my mum and I walked into her flat and she saw how much weight I have lost in the last year were "oh my god, it's not anorexia, is it?". My sisters have suddenly become best friends and are both ignoring me, and I am so tired that I think I'm having yet another quarter-life crisis in which I wonder why I work so bloody hard and what it's leading to. A tiny part of me is beginning to question whether I even want to be a lawyer anymore.
After yet another doomed non-relationship a couple of months ago, adding to my growing bundle of emotional baggage and general cynicism (about which I have been too traumatised to blog), I have given up on the men front, and in the meantime have been put in touch with a lawyer for career advice. His advice has basically been "don't do it" - and this from a whizz kid who is bloody good at his job and became a partner in his firm at the tender age of 32. Thing is though that I think I'm really falling for him...
I'm sure things will get better soon, and when I'm back in London, I'll be able to compile a light-hearted, reflective synopsis of 2006. For now, though, I can't wait to see the back of this year.
Happy New Year, Everyone!
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