I have managed to create a ridiculous and expensive dilemma for myself!! What to do this Summer?? First off, I have, as all single gals do, to make the rounds of the John Lewis gift list and celebrate my good friends tieing their proverbial knots. In fact, already my Summer is looking a tad busy:
1) 7 April - M's engagement do - pub in Clapham
2) Mid-May - R's hen night (good one this - stretch limo, tea at Claridges, cocktails)
3) Early June - R's wedding (want to go, as love R dearly, and we were v close buddies in Bordeaux. Also think will be fun. But can only get double rooms at hotel at £100 a head and I will not know anyone there but self. Brave face time).
4) Late July - Gaby's wedding. (V V excited about this, as will be cool NY wedding at a Hudson River winery - how fab is that. Incredibly happy for Gaby, who is an even closer Bordeaux buddy than R. Also, maybe I can play up the accent thing and appear aloof and mysterious, rather than sad and desperate as a lone female).
5) P, the evil non-blogger, is also tieing the knot into a veritable Gordion affair with a girls' night and two weddings. The hen do clashes with Gaby's wedding, but I will attend one of P's celebrations (P is doing a Liz Hurley).
On top of this, J and J and I obviously had a marvellous holiday last year in Venice and Bologna and would like to repeat the girls' trip thing. I suggested a Bordeaux/ Toulouse/ our friend H's mum's gite in the Lot et Garonne jaunt lasting a week or so. Belfast J was well disposed to this idea, and I got v enthused about idea of going back to Bordeaux, which has changed a lot since my lectrice days, with a new tram, and a new pedestrianised area, and a v cool cinematheque. I hope my favourite bars, La CComtesse (with two Cs!) and Paris-Pekin are still there. Oh and that cool Latin American one in rue des Piliers de tutelle with the cheap Mohitos. I expect we might sup a pint at the Connemara too. I would get to talk French and drink Monacos and buy Biba magazine for a mere 2 Euros. We would then go and eat gaufres avec sucre on the beach at Arcachon, and have huitres and moules on Cap Ferret while watching the sunset over the dune de Pyla. Bliss. However, Bristol J has a bee in her bonnet about how she has never travelled far afield, and this has been exacerbated by her new relationship with a 23 year old boy who had a gap year (basically his entire account of the trip consists of how cheap beer is in Thailand and how hot girls are in various cities). J, having never travelled much out of Europe other than to visit an ex-boyfriend who was working in the States now wants to TRAVEL and France is deemed too dull. Actually after her wilder ideas, she has lighted upon a fly drive round California, taking in LA, San Fran, the Grand Canyon, Vegas, and the Northern coasts. Sounds good no? Also I have the wardrobe for it post my Oz trip. Giving away part of her motive though is her comment "why should we fly to LA? It's a shit hole", a rather vehement view from someone who has never been there, and the opinion belongs of course to her boyfriend, who did tell me you can get beers for five dollars there if you know where to go. I think Bristol J wants to prove to her boyfriend she can be young and adventerous, and also does want to make the most of being single at the moment -fair enough. Belfast J is shit scared of flying (I think she should just get Valium personally), refuses to consider long haul, and also is a bit skint. She refuses to coutenance America. Both of them have suggested I just do both separately. Frankly I would have to win the lottery, (spesh with US wedding to attend), and I think we would have a better time if we went away as a threesome anyway - twosomes can get hard work after a while (though C and I had a great time travelling round Spain). Last night in the pub Belfast J was saying well maybe in 2008 when I have more money and have taken a fear of flying course I'll consider it. I was thinking yes, let's say to Bristol J to do it the year after next, and all go to France. Received upset text from Bristol J this morning saying the staffroom was horrendous, with colleagues showing off engagement rings and talking about ski-ing at Easter, and begging to go to the States. Bristol J points out I have known her much longer than I have known Belfast J. God, what to do?
1) 7 April - M's engagement do - pub in Clapham
2) Mid-May - R's hen night (good one this - stretch limo, tea at Claridges, cocktails)
3) Early June - R's wedding (want to go, as love R dearly, and we were v close buddies in Bordeaux. Also think will be fun. But can only get double rooms at hotel at £100 a head and I will not know anyone there but self. Brave face time).
4) Late July - Gaby's wedding. (V V excited about this, as will be cool NY wedding at a Hudson River winery - how fab is that. Incredibly happy for Gaby, who is an even closer Bordeaux buddy than R. Also, maybe I can play up the accent thing and appear aloof and mysterious, rather than sad and desperate as a lone female).
5) P, the evil non-blogger, is also tieing the knot into a veritable Gordion affair with a girls' night and two weddings. The hen do clashes with Gaby's wedding, but I will attend one of P's celebrations (P is doing a Liz Hurley).
On top of this, J and J and I obviously had a marvellous holiday last year in Venice and Bologna and would like to repeat the girls' trip thing. I suggested a Bordeaux/ Toulouse/ our friend H's mum's gite in the Lot et Garonne jaunt lasting a week or so. Belfast J was well disposed to this idea, and I got v enthused about idea of going back to Bordeaux, which has changed a lot since my lectrice days, with a new tram, and a new pedestrianised area, and a v cool cinematheque. I hope my favourite bars, La CComtesse (with two Cs!) and Paris-Pekin are still there. Oh and that cool Latin American one in rue des Piliers de tutelle with the cheap Mohitos. I expect we might sup a pint at the Connemara too. I would get to talk French and drink Monacos and buy Biba magazine for a mere 2 Euros. We would then go and eat gaufres avec sucre on the beach at Arcachon, and have huitres and moules on Cap Ferret while watching the sunset over the dune de Pyla. Bliss. However, Bristol J has a bee in her bonnet about how she has never travelled far afield, and this has been exacerbated by her new relationship with a 23 year old boy who had a gap year (basically his entire account of the trip consists of how cheap beer is in Thailand and how hot girls are in various cities). J, having never travelled much out of Europe other than to visit an ex-boyfriend who was working in the States now wants to TRAVEL and France is deemed too dull. Actually after her wilder ideas, she has lighted upon a fly drive round California, taking in LA, San Fran, the Grand Canyon, Vegas, and the Northern coasts. Sounds good no? Also I have the wardrobe for it post my Oz trip. Giving away part of her motive though is her comment "why should we fly to LA? It's a shit hole", a rather vehement view from someone who has never been there, and the opinion belongs of course to her boyfriend, who did tell me you can get beers for five dollars there if you know where to go. I think Bristol J wants to prove to her boyfriend she can be young and adventerous, and also does want to make the most of being single at the moment -fair enough. Belfast J is shit scared of flying (I think she should just get Valium personally), refuses to consider long haul, and also is a bit skint. She refuses to coutenance America. Both of them have suggested I just do both separately. Frankly I would have to win the lottery, (spesh with US wedding to attend), and I think we would have a better time if we went away as a threesome anyway - twosomes can get hard work after a while (though C and I had a great time travelling round Spain). Last night in the pub Belfast J was saying well maybe in 2008 when I have more money and have taken a fear of flying course I'll consider it. I was thinking yes, let's say to Bristol J to do it the year after next, and all go to France. Received upset text from Bristol J this morning saying the staffroom was horrendous, with colleagues showing off engagement rings and talking about ski-ing at Easter, and begging to go to the States. Bristol J points out I have known her much longer than I have known Belfast J. God, what to do?
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