I am going to give, of necessity, a v brief precis of my activities over the last week. They have been rather curtailed due to a bit of a money crisis (pay day on Thursday!)
Thursday - met my friend Marty and various others in his favourite pub the Cittie of Yorke. As I was wandering there from the BFI library, I walked down Lamb's Conduit Street, and discovered the Persephone books bookshop (see their website link as one of my favourite things). There, stacked about higgley piggeldy were many beautiful, wonderful books, a veritable treasure trove.
Friday - Met P in Notting Hill. We gossiped wildly, amused other people in pub, and drank copious amounts of wine.
Saturday - Went to local park, which was wonderful (and had amusing bus driver adventure, which will be subject of another post). I went to see a new French film in Soho with L, and then to my fantastic local, El Commandante
Sunday - Met D for brunch. We deconstructed our various neurosis, then headed off to see some great art at the Hayward, with my friend Marty.
Monday - Hmmm. Stayed in library til eight.
Tuesday - Went to water aerobics with L. Felt v virtuous.
Wednesday - In library til v late again, then got home and watched loads of This Life
Thursday - to my friend C in Highgate. She cooked roast chicken and all the trimmings, we had mucho red wine, and I didn't leave til 1:45 am staggering about the road and was only person on bus home!
Fascinating at this minutae undoubtedly is, I had a sudden blinding realisation as I got into bed last night. Nothing spectacular or amazing has occurred in the last week. All these activites are part of an average existence. And yet I am so happy here. Most tellingly, I don't feel lonely, and indeed relish my own company, whereas in Belfast, where I am thrown on to my own resources far more, I find this far more difficult. I haven't felt discontented for so long, I've even forgotten that sense of frustration and hopelessness that characterises the beginning of yet another boring Sunday to be gotten through. My life in London is so much more than the sum of its parts.
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