I’m not a big TV fan – largely because I am rarely at home to watch it, and by the time I eventually stumble home around 11pm, laden with bags, dirty gym laundry and files for the following day’s meetings, I am so exhausted, I fall straight into bed. I only really ever watch political programmes and then I pick one trashy reality TV programme to watch religiously each season (Big Brother is my absolute favourite, and when it’s on, I am so addicted, I even watch the live feed of the contestants sleeping), and maybe a good series, such as Desperate Housewives. Happily, though, Male Model, being a typical bloke, is well into his TV, and has installed Sky Plus, which you can do all sorts of clever and exciting things with, including recording all your favourite TV series.
I’m not that into the X Factor this year, though. Laura Craik, in her column in Grazia Magazine a couple of weeks ago, was v amusing: she made a v funny comment about how annoying it is to hear all those teenagers tearfully proclaiming how getting through would mean the world to them, all edited to the strains of Westlife’s You Raise Me Up. Makes me want to gag.
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