And Male Model. Hmmm. Well, I certainly won’t miss the mess and the dirt; the shoes left all over the place; the grubby fingerprints on the glass coffee table, the dog-eared evidence of his having perved all over my art (not porn, thank you very much) books, the sodding fish tank and his dubious methods of cleaning it; the numerous and pointless electrical gadgets…
Although, bless him, the boy has been an absolute sweetheart, counselling me through my recent difficult period, giving me boy advice (which sadly has not helped at all), supporting and encouraging me, feeding me leftover Christmas chocolate and various delicacies from the M&S food hall and generally being very lovely.
But, the time has come for me to continue my slow progression up the Northern Line, further into the centre of London. Hoorah for urbanism! My new living companions will be South African Male Accountant and South African Female Teacher. I dread to think what cringeworthy stereotypes we collectively form of a Jewish household, but they are lovely, around the same age as me, and more importantly, committed to a clean, tidy and hygienic lifestyle.
Now all I need is a new job. And if anyone is offering to make all my dreams come true, please bring me a man with no “baggage”, who will not break my heart.
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