Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood was a happy, playful little girl, who had many friends and a mummy and daddy, and she lived in a pretty house with a nice garden.
One day, Little Red Riding Hood decided she wanted an adventure. She decided to go in search of the rainbow, so that she could climb up it and reach the sky and touch the stars. She left her mummy and her daddy and her house and her garden, and she went off in search of the rainbow. She visited lots of different places and saw lots of different things and met lots of different people along the way. All the while, she could see the rainbow in the distance, but every time it looked as though she was getting close to it, she would turn a corner, and the rainbow would be far away in the distance. But Little Red Riding Hood was determined to find the rainbow and climb it and reach the stars, so she vowed to carry on and do whatever it took to get there.
But Little Red Riding Hood’s legs were not as strong as she had thought, and after years of walking, her joints were sore and her legs were bruised, and sometimes her ankle was sprained. However, Little Red Riding Hood had some lovely, supportive friends, and if she had difficulty walking, there was always Snow White to carry her, Cinderella to drive her, or Sleeping Beauty to drive her a little further along her journey in search of the rainbow.
Now, some of these friends were not real, but were a figment of her imagination. Tinkerbell was one of these imaginary friends. Whenever Little Red Riding Hood was too tired to carry on walking, she would cry “Tinkerbell! Tinkerbell!”, and Tinkerbell would magically appear and speak kind words of encouragement, and remind Little Red Riding Hood of how wonderful it would be when she finally reached the rainbow and climbed it and touched the stars. Little Red Riding Hood did not know that Tinkerbell was only a figment of her imagination, but it did not matter, because Tinkerbell urged her to continue on her quest, and without this, Little Red Riding Hood might have given up. Little Red Riding Hood loved Tinkerbell, who was her fairy godmother, and she was very grateful to her.
So, with the support and encouragement of her friends, Little Red Riding Hood carried on with her adventure. She had been on her journey for so many years that she did not remember why she had originally wanted to touch the stars. But the lovely house with the garden in which she had spent her childhood was very far away, and may not have even still been there, and Little Red Riding Hood’s mummy and daddy were not there any more, so she carried on looking for the rainbow.
After many years, the strain on Little Red Riding Hood’s legs became too much, and one day, while walking in a wood, her legs buckled beneath her, and she fell into a ditch. Years of walking and walking had depleted her strength, and try as she might, she could not lift herself out of the ditch. It was muddy and slippery, and each time it looked as though she was about to climb out of the ditch, she would slip and fall again. It was growing darker and darker, and starting to rain. There were some wolves in the wood, and they growled at her, menacingly. Little Red Riding Hood was a little scared, but she thought of the rainbow and the stars, and knew that soon, she would manage to climb out of the ditch and find the rainbow, before it became dark and the wolves started to eat her.
But Little Red Riding Hood could not climb out of the ditch. And Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty wanted to help, but they were busy on their own adventures, and could not reach the ditch before darkness fell, to save Little Red Riding Hood from the wolves. Little Red Riding Hood did not know what to do. Then she remembered Tinkerbell, who was not often around, but who would always come when she called her. She cried: “Tinkerbell! Tinkerbell!” But Tinkerbell did not come. So she tried again: “Tinkerbell! Tinkerbell!” But there was no sign of Tinkerbell. Tinkerbell, her imaginary friend, had moved to an Never-Never Land, an imaginary place that does not exist on earth, where the grass is very green and the sea is very blue and the sun always shines, and there are no muddy ditches or rain, and the people live in houses made of glass, and everyone is happy all the time and has strong legs that will carry them to the rainbow in the sky.
Tinkerbell was very happy in Never-Never land, and did not remember Little Red Riding Hood, although she did not mean to abandon her role as fairy godmother. She thought that Little Red Riding Hood had strong legs and was so determined to reach the rainbow and climb it and touch the stars that she would succeed on her own. In the fantasy world she occupied, there were no such thing as rain or muddy ditches, so she never imagined that Little Red Riding Hood would be prevented from continuing her journey. Instead, Tinkerbell thought it would be fun to throw stones at Little Red Riding Hood in the ditch, all the way from her home in Never-Never Land, not realising that the stones would hurt Little Red Riding Hood.
But even in the fantasy world, the bubble can sometimes burst. On the very day that Little Red Riding Hood discovered that she had very strong arms, and she could lift herself out of the ditch using her arms instead of her legs, it suddenly started to rain in Never-Never Land. It rained and it rained and it rained, and no one could stop it. In fact, there was no one left to stop the rain, because no one lived in Never-Never Land, except for Tinkerbell. It rained so much that the sky opened and stones fell from the heavens. They landed heavily on Tinkerbell’s house that was made of glass, and all the windows, doors, walls and roof smashed. Tinkerbell did not have a house any more, and the grass was not green any more; it was muddy from the rain. The sky was grey instead of blue, and the sun did not shine any more. Tinkerbell was on her own in a ditch, but there was no one to save her, and she did not have strong legs or arms to help herself out of the ditch, as she had always used her wings. Now, her wings had disintegrated in the rain.
Little Red Riding Hood emerged from the ditch, dirty, muddy, bruised and injured by the wolves in the wood. She did not know if she still wanted to find the rainbow and climb it and touch the stars. She did not know if she would ever find her mummy and her daddy and her pretty house with the nice garden. But she had discovered that she had strong arms and real friends in different places, such as Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, who, even if they could not lift her out of the ditch, would think of her if they could and that would help to make her stronger. Little Red Riding Hood could survive anything.
And as for Tinkerbell? Well, as they say: people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
One day, Little Red Riding Hood decided she wanted an adventure. She decided to go in search of the rainbow, so that she could climb up it and reach the sky and touch the stars. She left her mummy and her daddy and her house and her garden, and she went off in search of the rainbow. She visited lots of different places and saw lots of different things and met lots of different people along the way. All the while, she could see the rainbow in the distance, but every time it looked as though she was getting close to it, she would turn a corner, and the rainbow would be far away in the distance. But Little Red Riding Hood was determined to find the rainbow and climb it and reach the stars, so she vowed to carry on and do whatever it took to get there.
But Little Red Riding Hood’s legs were not as strong as she had thought, and after years of walking, her joints were sore and her legs were bruised, and sometimes her ankle was sprained. However, Little Red Riding Hood had some lovely, supportive friends, and if she had difficulty walking, there was always Snow White to carry her, Cinderella to drive her, or Sleeping Beauty to drive her a little further along her journey in search of the rainbow.
Now, some of these friends were not real, but were a figment of her imagination. Tinkerbell was one of these imaginary friends. Whenever Little Red Riding Hood was too tired to carry on walking, she would cry “Tinkerbell! Tinkerbell!”, and Tinkerbell would magically appear and speak kind words of encouragement, and remind Little Red Riding Hood of how wonderful it would be when she finally reached the rainbow and climbed it and touched the stars. Little Red Riding Hood did not know that Tinkerbell was only a figment of her imagination, but it did not matter, because Tinkerbell urged her to continue on her quest, and without this, Little Red Riding Hood might have given up. Little Red Riding Hood loved Tinkerbell, who was her fairy godmother, and she was very grateful to her.
So, with the support and encouragement of her friends, Little Red Riding Hood carried on with her adventure. She had been on her journey for so many years that she did not remember why she had originally wanted to touch the stars. But the lovely house with the garden in which she had spent her childhood was very far away, and may not have even still been there, and Little Red Riding Hood’s mummy and daddy were not there any more, so she carried on looking for the rainbow.
After many years, the strain on Little Red Riding Hood’s legs became too much, and one day, while walking in a wood, her legs buckled beneath her, and she fell into a ditch. Years of walking and walking had depleted her strength, and try as she might, she could not lift herself out of the ditch. It was muddy and slippery, and each time it looked as though she was about to climb out of the ditch, she would slip and fall again. It was growing darker and darker, and starting to rain. There were some wolves in the wood, and they growled at her, menacingly. Little Red Riding Hood was a little scared, but she thought of the rainbow and the stars, and knew that soon, she would manage to climb out of the ditch and find the rainbow, before it became dark and the wolves started to eat her.
But Little Red Riding Hood could not climb out of the ditch. And Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty wanted to help, but they were busy on their own adventures, and could not reach the ditch before darkness fell, to save Little Red Riding Hood from the wolves. Little Red Riding Hood did not know what to do. Then she remembered Tinkerbell, who was not often around, but who would always come when she called her. She cried: “Tinkerbell! Tinkerbell!” But Tinkerbell did not come. So she tried again: “Tinkerbell! Tinkerbell!” But there was no sign of Tinkerbell. Tinkerbell, her imaginary friend, had moved to an Never-Never Land, an imaginary place that does not exist on earth, where the grass is very green and the sea is very blue and the sun always shines, and there are no muddy ditches or rain, and the people live in houses made of glass, and everyone is happy all the time and has strong legs that will carry them to the rainbow in the sky.
Tinkerbell was very happy in Never-Never land, and did not remember Little Red Riding Hood, although she did not mean to abandon her role as fairy godmother. She thought that Little Red Riding Hood had strong legs and was so determined to reach the rainbow and climb it and touch the stars that she would succeed on her own. In the fantasy world she occupied, there were no such thing as rain or muddy ditches, so she never imagined that Little Red Riding Hood would be prevented from continuing her journey. Instead, Tinkerbell thought it would be fun to throw stones at Little Red Riding Hood in the ditch, all the way from her home in Never-Never Land, not realising that the stones would hurt Little Red Riding Hood.
But even in the fantasy world, the bubble can sometimes burst. On the very day that Little Red Riding Hood discovered that she had very strong arms, and she could lift herself out of the ditch using her arms instead of her legs, it suddenly started to rain in Never-Never Land. It rained and it rained and it rained, and no one could stop it. In fact, there was no one left to stop the rain, because no one lived in Never-Never Land, except for Tinkerbell. It rained so much that the sky opened and stones fell from the heavens. They landed heavily on Tinkerbell’s house that was made of glass, and all the windows, doors, walls and roof smashed. Tinkerbell did not have a house any more, and the grass was not green any more; it was muddy from the rain. The sky was grey instead of blue, and the sun did not shine any more. Tinkerbell was on her own in a ditch, but there was no one to save her, and she did not have strong legs or arms to help herself out of the ditch, as she had always used her wings. Now, her wings had disintegrated in the rain.
Little Red Riding Hood emerged from the ditch, dirty, muddy, bruised and injured by the wolves in the wood. She did not know if she still wanted to find the rainbow and climb it and touch the stars. She did not know if she would ever find her mummy and her daddy and her pretty house with the nice garden. But she had discovered that she had strong arms and real friends in different places, such as Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, who, even if they could not lift her out of the ditch, would think of her if they could and that would help to make her stronger. Little Red Riding Hood could survive anything.
And as for Tinkerbell? Well, as they say: people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
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