I have finally recovered from my cold and so have hit Belfast's social scene with a vengeance. Saturday night saw us gathered at H's for a Eurovision party, but we were upset that Ukraine didn't win, with their funky silver suited Su Pollard lookalike. We went out to Radio K which was just the most fun night ever, and I wore my new funky sandals to show off my newly pedicured feet. Older man drank gin and tonic after gin and tonic and got utterly pissed. I had to bow out of the evening early at about 2:30 am to escort him home. At home, I asked him how much he had drunk, and remarked he seemed to drink a lot. He began to sob, telling me he was a "good person" who would "repay me a thousand times if I had faith in him."
The girls told me seriously over bloody marys and ulster fries on Sunday that it was emotional blackmail and I had to be hard hearted, and think of myself. J told me that it was too much hard work. I know she is right. I came back home and fell asleep on my bed and proceeded to have a disturbing dream. It began with my looking desperately for a room for a lesson I was taking. I couldn't find the room anywhere. A train arrived, and I was suddenly on a river bank, in a 1970s movie with Meryl Streep, Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman. Dustin Hoffman was an evil madman who captured me in a huge fishing net and trapped me. But I thought it's ok, it's only a film, I can catch a plane. The plane failed to take off and taxied down a motorway surrounded by traffic. Then I was in a spooky cemetary with my parents, surrounded by fog. Let's take this path though I said to them, this is the safe path. But no, F, said my Dad, we'll get our feet wet on that path. Then I woke up. As I texted to L, my unconscious is very unsubtle. But I'm still loving my pedicured feet!
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