Have discovered a new, excellent displacement activity in the form of this website: http://www.upmystreet.com/. You type in your postcode and use it to source local amenities. You can also use it to find out the profile of your neighbours. (God knows what kind of people actually use this type of feature to determine whether or not to move into a particular area.)
Here's the profile of my corner of London:
Full neighbourhood profile
Often, many of the people who live in this sort of postcode will be suburban privately renting professionals. These are known as type 19 in the ACORN classification and 1.09% of the UK's population live in this type.
Neighbourhoods fitting this profile are found in Richmond-upon-Thames, Sutton and Bromley in Outer London, and in Cheltenham, St Albans and Guildford.
Here is an overview of the likely preferences and features of your neighbourhood:
Family income High
Interest in current affairs Very high
Housing - with mortgage Medium
Educated - to degree Very high
Couples with children Very low
Have satellite TV Very low
These young people have made a lifestyle choice to reside close enough to the major conurbations to obtain the benefits of the city without actually living in its centre. In their twenties and early thirties, they are well educated and are developing their careers in professional and managerial jobs. ("lifestyle choice"! More like "had no choice, as couldn't afford to live any further into the centre of the city that was still north of the River")
They are living in purpose built flats in attractive suburbs and satellite towns. Many are still renting, although some have purchased their homes.
They use diverse means to get around. Where possible they will travel to work by public transport, by bike or on foot. However, the majority do have a car and will often buy new, expensive models.
These people are very comfortable using the Internet in all aspects of their life including financial services, purchasing gifts, CDs and books and booking their holidays and leisure activities on-line.
For holidays, the USA, Canada and other long haul destinations are popular, as are weekend breaks and winter snow holidays. In their spare time they enjoy sport and exercise. They also like spending their money on shopping for clothes and eating out.
They are interested in current affairs, and whilst they tend to read mainly the broadsheet papers, they show no bias to any particular title.
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