Have had mad week. After being stuck in the horrid English countryside last weekend, pining for stilettos, champagne and city bars (as opposed to wellies, quiet country pubs and rainy, cowpat-ridden fields), I raced back to London, and have been abroad on a business trip ever since.
After the relative calm of last weekend, my life is back to its usual soap-operatic self. Have been enjoying mild, fun flirtation with the director of one of our US offices for a while. He has been pressurising me to take it further, and I have resisted, as experience has taught me that the woman always comes off worse than the man in these situations, and my career is simply too important to me to jeopardise in that way. Now, I have found myself at the centre of the disclosure of a series of secrets and deceptions involving this guy, A.
My MD sent me a frantic message the other day, to say that A called him to warn that an ex-colleague, R, is trying to poach him (ie A) from us, and is trying to get him to work for her on the sly, without him disclosing this to us. A thought he should warn us. Meanwhile, I had dinner with R last night, and she told me that she has been having a rampant affair with A. She also has no idea that his fiancée committed suicide a few weeks ago (or indeed that he had a fiancée). She thinks she may be in love with him, and is considering packing up and moving to the other side of the world to be with him.
Why was I under the deluded impression that as you get older, relationships get easier???
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