Up My Street doesn't cover N.I!! Discrimination or what??!! But you can check out Belfast stats on www.ninis.nisra.gov.uk
Here is what I found about where I live.
On Census day 29th April 2001 the resident population of my ward was 7635. Of this population
13.0% were under 16 and 13.8% were aged 60 and above
47.1% were male and 52.9% female
48.3% were from a Catholic Community background and 43.9% were from a Protestant and other Christian background
The average age was 32.8 years (compared to 35.8 for all of N.I).
The population density was 30.94 persons per hectare (compared to an incredibly tiny 1.19 for all of N.I.)
62.4% of persons were single (never married) (compared to 33.1% for all of N.I.)
There were 51 births and 35 deaths in my area in 2004.
The Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2005 (NIMDM 2005) analyses deprivation in N.I. All council wards are ranked, with 1 being the lowest and 582 the least deprived. The lowest is Shankill, with a score of 1. My area is 554, in the top 10% of least deprived areas in N.I. (It analyses income, employment, health, disability, eduaction level, proximity to services, living environment and crime and disorder. Conclusion: you don't want to live on the Shankill).
42.1% had degree level or higher qualifications
60.3% were economically active
1.4% were unemployed
In 2002, 1,486 people had "hospital episodes" in my area. The average ambulance response time was 7-9 minutes. The nearest hospital is Belfast City hospital.
74.8% of houses owner occupied and 25.2% rented
13.4% lone pensioner households
2.6% lone parent households
23.3% had one or more persons with a long term illness
80% of households have access to a car or van. 63.8% of persons in employment usually travelled to work by car.
The most popular car colour was blue and the most popular make Volkswagen.
Here is what I found about where I live.
On Census day 29th April 2001 the resident population of my ward was 7635. Of this population
13.0% were under 16 and 13.8% were aged 60 and above
47.1% were male and 52.9% female
48.3% were from a Catholic Community background and 43.9% were from a Protestant and other Christian background
The average age was 32.8 years (compared to 35.8 for all of N.I).
The population density was 30.94 persons per hectare (compared to an incredibly tiny 1.19 for all of N.I.)
62.4% of persons were single (never married) (compared to 33.1% for all of N.I.)
There were 51 births and 35 deaths in my area in 2004.
The Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2005 (NIMDM 2005) analyses deprivation in N.I. All council wards are ranked, with 1 being the lowest and 582 the least deprived. The lowest is Shankill, with a score of 1. My area is 554, in the top 10% of least deprived areas in N.I. (It analyses income, employment, health, disability, eduaction level, proximity to services, living environment and crime and disorder. Conclusion: you don't want to live on the Shankill).
42.1% had degree level or higher qualifications
60.3% were economically active
1.4% were unemployed
In 2002, 1,486 people had "hospital episodes" in my area. The average ambulance response time was 7-9 minutes. The nearest hospital is Belfast City hospital.
74.8% of houses owner occupied and 25.2% rented
13.4% lone pensioner households
2.6% lone parent households
23.3% had one or more persons with a long term illness
80% of households have access to a car or van. 63.8% of persons in employment usually travelled to work by car.
The most popular car colour was blue and the most popular make Volkswagen.
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