26 May 2006

What to Wear On a Rainy Bank Holiday

Lalalalala - joy and happiness and delight. My sister (previously refered to on this blog I believe as Evil Bitch Sister No. 1), in highly suspicious and questionable display of kindness and generosity, has given/lent me (we haven't yet defined the boundaries) the following items:

  • - Louis Vuitton handbag with matching wallet
  • - Stunning Balenciaga bag ("Soooo last season")
  • - Silver Gina strappy sandals that threaten to finish off my ankle completely, putting an end to my international marathon-running plans)
  • - Gorgeous trenchcoat, bought in Paris
  • - Chunky wooden turquoise bangle by previously unheard of designer I wasn't crazy about until one of my colleagues pointed out how expensive it was
  • - Purple Karen Millen suit she has had for ages and I have had my eye on for ages ("suits are soooo over")

Cannot wait to spend the entire Bank Holiday weekend partying and prancing around wearing my newly-acquired clobber.

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