V fun evening last night with F, who (hurrah!) is in London for a few days, staying in P’s flat (aka The Naughty One Who Never Blogs). P has gone away for the weekend, and – after I had chided F for Betraying the Sisterhood (on account of the new boyfriend) and teased her a bit (a lot, actually) for being a bit loved up, and even spoken to said older man on the ‘phone, we got round to trying to sort out my love life.
My love life at the moment is entirely internet-based. (In fact, as I write this entry, I am engaged in an instant message dialogue with a gorgeous 25 year old French guy, who – as a bonus – is over 6 ft tall!) We rifled through my online in-box, discounting the messages from anyone who looked like an axe-murderer (one of them really did!), anyone who had unrealistic expectations bordering on the delusional (eg guy based in Switzerland with 2 kids, and Brazilian guy who is not Jewish, not willing to convert and can’t speak English (so why try to hook up with British girl on Jewish dating website, for God’s sake?!) and thinking up flirtatious replies to some of the other messages.
My search has been narrowed down to 3 candidates. One is a ginger-haired investment banker (but I won’t judge him until we meet), one seems quite nice – F seemed more interested in him than I was, though! – and I think I know his brother, and F and I sneakily checked out his profile on Facebook and checked out some of his mates. The third – somewhat disconcertingly – calls himself Prince Charming, and I have already flirted online with him, and will no doubt continue the naughty text messages once I have recharged my phone.
2 issues that keep coming up, though:
My love life at the moment is entirely internet-based. (In fact, as I write this entry, I am engaged in an instant message dialogue with a gorgeous 25 year old French guy, who – as a bonus – is over 6 ft tall!) We rifled through my online in-box, discounting the messages from anyone who looked like an axe-murderer (one of them really did!), anyone who had unrealistic expectations bordering on the delusional (eg guy based in Switzerland with 2 kids, and Brazilian guy who is not Jewish, not willing to convert and can’t speak English (so why try to hook up with British girl on Jewish dating website, for God’s sake?!) and thinking up flirtatious replies to some of the other messages.
My search has been narrowed down to 3 candidates. One is a ginger-haired investment banker (but I won’t judge him until we meet), one seems quite nice – F seemed more interested in him than I was, though! – and I think I know his brother, and F and I sneakily checked out his profile on Facebook and checked out some of his mates. The third – somewhat disconcertingly – calls himself Prince Charming, and I have already flirted online with him, and will no doubt continue the naughty text messages once I have recharged my phone.
2 issues that keep coming up, though:
- Amusingly: I made a point of saying in my profile that brownie points will be given to any man who comments on the auburn-ness of my (now fading) hair colour. And I have been inundated with affirmations of my redheadedness. Which is always good to hear (especially now that I am discovering at least one new white hair every day)
- I keep coming up against declarations of astonishment that I have never had a relationship. And it provides them with the perfect excuse for a nauseating line: “What, beautiful, funny, sexy, intelligent girl like you?! Don’t believe it!” (gag)
So, I’m off to speak to my prospective dates. Instant messaging session with the French guy has got a bit steamy. Will let you know how it goes…
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