So, it's over. Over! the event that has been haunting the back of my mind for weeks, and been more upfront in the last few days... my job interview at "elsewhere". All that preparation, blood, sweat and tears, for a 35 minute discussion about me, my future, my research (am I essentialist? Where do I see the future of my field? Why have I applied for this job? How do we reconcile the conflicting demands of students for vocational training and high critical awareness?). I have practically had a nervous breakdown over it, such is my mental trauma associated with interviews, my hatred of them, and the general anxiety they provoke. But I had a sudden ephiphany moment on the train. Fuck it, I thought. I totally went there and did my best. Sure, I managed to miss out one of my best lines (about consolidating and enhancing my research profile - bollocks) but at the end of the day, if they don't want me, they don't want me. I gave it my best shot. They will let me know next week. Also I should report that older man texted good luck to me this am, which I thought v sweet as he has been saying that he doesn't want me to go. The only problem is, I was counting on knowing the outcome of this interview before deciding whether to fly off to another interview next week. Now I have to go through the same anxiety all over again!!
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