F - sounds like a brilliant weekend in bristol; have also had similar strange social experience in Clifton village when went down for H’s birthday. Six of us, all girls, walked in to the pub, and overheard someone say 'Oh, here come the divorcees...' ???? Mind boggles.
Totally agree that Legally Blond is a brilliant film. This guide is obviously for women who want to move in with men who are complete chauvinistic troglodytes. It is utterly ridiculous to have to pretend you don't bleed (ARGH) and to hide tampax - why? is there no cupoard or drawer in the bathroom? Is the idea of inserting something in to the vagina too traumatic for a live in boyf unless it is his unreconstructed) cock? please. And yeah, what if he's moving in to your place? should you still have to hide your tampax? And also, i do not have a 'knicker drawer' i have a sort of pull out tray with ingerie arranged beautfully on it in sets and fabrics.
Also am v annoyed that women are encourged to hide bodily functions in the name of 'femininity' particularly also farting and burping. Am not saying that this should be practiced indiscriminately as would be horrible in anyone, but sometimes, one just has to. Is not a crime. Further am irratated that men and women are clearly not able to have adult conversations about these life changes and their implementation according to these magazines, we all revert to our 1950's most boring stereotype.
Finally as a skinny woman i can confirm that it does not make you happier, smarter, more successful, or more attractive to the blokes you would like to attract rather than freaks or weirdos.
In some kind of wierd symbiosis, have also misplaced make up bag, so
longchamps makeup bag (a gift) - 30
clarins beauty flash balm- 27
shu uemura eyeshadow x 2 - 24
shu uemura brush - 22
body shop bronzing pearls - 12
Nars lip stain - 21
eyelash curlers - 5
Dior mascara (bought in NY) - 22
total 163. wow. seems mad. should say that am actually managing quite well without it.
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