Just back from a madly toxic weekend in Bristol celebrating J's 32nd birthday (which means oh my God that we have been friends for 14 years). Much as i love J, I have to say that even I felt as if I had entered into some kind of government anti-binge drinking campaign as we toured the streets of Bristol boozed up on a Friday night. I got to J's at five, after a long plane trip, and we had
1) half bottle each of Faustino VII Rioja - my new fave, actually, at her flat
2) 2 martinis at Henry J Africas
3) at least four double vodka and tonics at Clifton Wine bar
4) Shots: black sambucca, (at which point K wanted us to set fire to our mouths!), B52s, and then, stupidly, B53
5) at least three more vodkas at the nightclub
6) bottle of champagne at the nightclub
7) at least 30 cigarettes.
I ended up in this late night bar called the Park talking to an awful man who was "in the Marines, yah" and would "deffo send my kid to boarding school, bucks them up a bit, yah" and then ignored him and sat on N's lap waving cigarettes round madly like D used to do in the olden days and telling him that I was going to get my eggs frozen as they were all going off at which point he volunteered to fertilize them for me- and we draw a veil over rest of the evening. Miraculously I wasn't actually sick (though I do vaguely recollect lying in the road giggling). the scary thing indeed is that I was probably more sober than most people out on that evening. Maybe it's just I go to different sorts of places in Belfast, but Bristol strikes me as a lot more lairy.
I then spent the whole of Saturday recovering and reading piles of women's magazines that J has lying around her flat. God, they are so awful, I don't know how anyone can bear to buy the things. for example, one of them had a guide to how to move in with your boyfriend which included "don't leave your tampax in the bathroom, hide it in your knicker drawer" (yes, that's practical, what are you meant to do, drop blood all over the house while you hunt round for your elusive tampax?) and "pretend that you have a cool taste in films even thought you really only enjoy Legally Blonde and Sleepless in Seattle". Now I actually think Legally Blonde a great movie, could have been a Marilyn vehicle, but for god's sake - this idea that women are complete fluff with no intellect and that women themselves are meant to find this amusing rather than patronising or demeaning - I know it's been said before, and of course, as feminists, we should respect the right of other women to read demeaning trash, but I actually think J would be a happier person and not so dependent on male attention for her confidence if she just binned the bloody lot. Also of course they are all obsessed with how skinny celebrities are, and body size. It's maddening. When I see how fucked up so many of my female friends are over their weight it drives me crazy that these things actually condone the idea that the tinier your body a more worthy person you are.
Anyway, I sympathise with you D over your annoying make up loss. I was intrigued so thought I would so similar calculation for contents of my own make up bag, which I have on my lap, having just returned from Bristol:
1)Clarins Beauty flash balm - £21 (always buy in duty free at airports)
2)Clinique eyeshadow I guess about £15 (bought years ago when horrendously delayed at stansted airport)
3) Boots no 7 mascara £6 (you have to love boots)
4) Boots no 7 lip glosses, 5, varying shades £10 approx (present from J)
5)Clinique 'happy' perfume £25 (always buy in duty free, love it and get through it like the clappers)
6) Boots cucumber cleanser £2.59 (hurrah for boots)
7) the bag itself is wonderful and irreplaceable - Anya Hindmarsh with a picture of a girl asleep on a plane: present from L, bless her, orig value approx £65.
8) Clinique 'stay true' lip pencil (present from L), approx £20
9) Emery boards and hard skin rub thing (P bought in summer to tackle my toes), approx £5
10) tweezers (present from Mum) approx £2
11) Abri facial scrub (present from J, but would heartily recommend) approx £3
12) 'Wondergirl' shower gel and shampoo (present from Mum bought in San Fransisco) approx £3
Have realised my entire make up bag consists of presents. Maybe my friends are hinting?!
grand total: £178
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